computer spirit guide

calling upon the file spirits and folder gods, these terminal commands will guide your computer to the deepest darkest data of its past, present, and future

for magical apple computers only

Get in touch with your deepest darkest file.

First open up a brand new terminal window.

Navigate to your home directory. The easiest way to do this is to type cd and then press enter.

Now you can enter the following commands one at a time:

mkdir computer-spirit-guide

this command creates a new folder in your home folder called computer-spirit-guide. this is where all of the new files created throughout this journey will go. do not cd into it just yet...

find . -iname "*.txt" -print 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" | sed -e 's/^/./' -e 's/ /\\ /g' > ./computer-spirit-guide/files.txt

this command searches your entire system and finds any files with the extension of txt. if you want to get in touch with a different kind of file you can replace .txt with .pdf or any other kind of file. the find command is equivalent use the spotlight search (cmd + space) in the GUI. the command makes sure to ignore the files that return with "permission denied".

finally it places one extra period before the file path. this ensures that the path is absolute rather than relative. once it has all of the file paths for each file the command copies all of them into to a new file called files.txt

if you are a programmer it might take a while...

cd computer-spirit-guide

cd stands for change directory. after running this command your terminal will execute all future commands INSIDE of the computer-spirit-guide directory

sed -e 's;[^/]*/; 📁;g;s; |; 📁;g' ./files.txt > file-tree.txt

sed is a magical command that makes it easy to edit and replace text. this command finds all of the forward slashes and spaces in the files.txt and replaces it with the folder emoji.

once everything is replaced it copies each of the the new paths with the folder emojis into file-tree.txt


touch your spirit guide. this command creates a new file called

.sh stands for shell, we want to use a shell script because we will be writing executable commands inside so that we can eventually just make one call to this file and it will run everything inside of it.

now you can open this file in a code editor

you can find the file in your home folder or type open on the command line

now paste the following code into the file:


while read f; do
echo -n "$f "
done <./file-tree.txt

while read path; do
countPath=$(echo ${path} | grep -o '/' | wc -l)
if (( $countPath > $maxPath )); then
done <./files.txt

cat $deepestDarkestPath > ./deepest-file.txt

open ./deepest-file.txt

this code creates two new variables. one called maxPath and one called deepestDarkestFile. the deepestDarkestFile will be equal to the file that has the most folders before it in its path. the maxPath variable will be equal to the amount of folders in the deepest file's path.

while read is a bash command that reads each line of a given text file. in this case the file being read is file-tree.txt

finally we use cat to copy the deepestDarkestPath into a file called deepest-file.txt and open thi

chmod u+x

this command gives your computer permission to execute the commands of the file



How to recieve a message from a file that wants to talk to you.

Open up a terminal window.

Navigate to your home directory.

Then enter the following commands:

mkdir file-spirit-messages

this command creates a new directory called file-spirit-messages. this is where all of the new files created throughout this guide will go. you do not need to cd into it yet.

find . -iname "*.pdf" -print 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" | sed -e 's/^/./' -e 's/ /\\ /g' > ./file-spirit-messages/files.txt

this command searches your entire system and finds any files with the extension of txt. if you want to get in touch with a different kind of file you can replace .pdf with .rtf or any other kind of file. the find command is equivalent use the spotlight search (cmd + space) in the GUI. the command makes sure to ignore the files that return with "permission denied".

finally it places one extra period before the file path. this ensures that the path is absolute rather than relative. once it has all of the file paths for each file the command copies all of them into to a new file called files.txt

if you read a lot it might take a while...

cd file-spirit-messages

cd stands for change directory. this command will make sure that all of the future commands you run will happen inside of the file-spirit-messages folder


chmod u+x

this command gives your computer permission to execute the commands of the file. now open in a code editor. inside of paste the following code:


sed -e 's;[\.\/@_~-]; ;g;' ./files.txt > ./two.txt
cat ./two.txt | perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e 'print shuffle(<STDIN>);' > ./rand.txt
cat ./rand.txt | tr ' ' '\n' > ./three.txt
cat ./three.txt | perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e 'print shuffle(<STDIN>);' > ./four.txt cat ./four.txt | tr '\n' ' ' > ./five.txt
sed -e 's;pdf; ;g;' ./four.txt > ./message.txt

while read line; do

if [[ $n -gt 1 && (30 -gt $n)]]
mess+=" ${line}"
done < ./message.txt

echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
`echo $mess > random-message.txt`
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "

while IFS= read -r -n1 char; do
echo -n "$char"
sleep .1;
done < ./random-message.txt

save the file and go back to your terminal window and enter the following command to receive your message:



How to get give your computer a tarot reading.

Open up a terminal window.

Navigate to your home directory.

Then enter the following commands:

mkdir computarot

this command creates a new directory called computarot. this is where all of the new files created throughout this guide will go.

cd computarot

cd stands for change directory. after running this command your terminal will execute all future commands INSIDE of the computarot directory

touch ./

brew install jq

the above command requires a library called JQ. if you have homebrew you can run the above command.

sudo apt-get install jq

if you don't have homebrew you can try the above linux command.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

if you want to install homebrew to run JQ you can enter above command.

chmod u+x

don't forget give the file the correct permissions! now open the file in a code editor. paste the following code:


do_reading() {
for run in {1..3}
foo=$(curl '')

x=`echo $foo | jq --arg random $((0 + RANDOM % 78)) '.["tarot_interpretations"] | .[$random|tonumber].name'`

y=`echo $foo | jq --arg random $((0 + RANDOM % 78)) '.["tarot_interpretations"] | .[$random|tonumber].keywords[0]'`

mkdir "${x//\"}"
cd "${x//\"}"
open .
mkdir "${y//\"}"
mdfind "${y//\"}" | head -3 | while IFS= read -r filez; do cp "$filez" "${y//\"}"; done
cd "${y//\"}"
open .
cd ..
cd ..

cd ..

if [ -d "computarot-reading" ]; then
rm -r computarot-reading

mkdir computarot-reading

cd computarot-reading


elif [ ! -d "computarot-reading" ]; then
mkdir computarot-reading

cd computarot-reading


save the file and go back to your terminal window and enter the following command to receive your message:

